Handeling Rejection During Job Search

Handeling Rejection During Job Search

You may have responsed to many job postings, sent your resume to employers, completed many online applicantions and spent time interviewing to no avail.  It is important to learn from those experiences to better yourself for next time.  Rejection is an important part of the interview process and you can’t take it personally.  Instead, accept it and reflect upon your approach to see if there are positive changes you can make for the next go around.

  • Ask yourself what you could have done differently, how you could have handeled yourself differently, how you could have prepared differently etc.
  • Work on any questions that you had difficulty answering
  • Did you provide too much or too little information on any particular questions?
  • Did you do research on the company before you interviewed?
  • Could you have asked better or more appropirate questions with regard to the vacancy or the company?

Make note of what you learned from your own self assessment for reference.  It’s important that you use this renewed energy to keep moving forward and ace the next interview.

Additional Resources:
Handling the Stress of the Job Search
Aviation Job Search Tips