Aviation Job Search

Today is a Great Day to Update Your Resume

Note: Avjobs resumes are automatically generated using the information provided in your job application. Keep your professional experience up to date in your job application and our automated system will keep your resume at the top of the list for potential employers. Employer resume search results are sorted by edit date (most current at the top of the list).
Update Your ResumePlease also note the Avjobs job application is composed of 6 sections. You need to complete all sections for maximum effectiveness and searchability.
  1. Personal Information:
    WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR IN A RESUME - It's important that your resume be as strong and positive as possible. With your resume before them, employers can visualize how you will operate within the framework of their corporation, and how your skills and abilities will be utilized in the future development of the company. Help
  2. Employment Summary:
    Although the system will automatically sort your previous positions by date, you should start with your most recent employer, and then continue in descending order. When entering your current position (present employer, student, or military), the date fields may be left blank and the system will automatically default this information to be your present position. Help | View Resume
  3. Military Summary:
    If you served in the armed forces, describe your length of service, branch of service, rank, and discharge and/or reserve status. Employers generally react favorably to military service experience. Help | View Resume
  4. Education & Training Summary:
    Empha those skills, the education and training that specifically pertain to the position you're looking for. List the highlights of your education and training that clearly fit the type of skills employers are looking for. Help | VView Resume
  5. Pilot Information:
    The pilot supplement was created with the help of 17 different major airlines, and other large aerospace and aviation companies. The information contained on this page is the only pertinent information requested by these companies. Please try to include all of your necessary skills and background information within the provided fields. This section provides employers with the general overview of your piloting experience, training and background that they request. Be as specific as possible. Provide full and abbreviated names when listing aircraft flow. Help | View Resume
  6. Mechanic Information:
    This area applies to all mechanical experience. Review the skills and equipment listed below to identify the specific skills you possess. For those skills/equipment experience you possess, check the corresponding buttons to indicate your level of expertise. You may come back at any time to change your level of experience as your training continues. Help