Salary range and compensation data for job postings

In a perfect world the Avjobs system should...

Always provide the salary range and compensation data in each job posting.

What are Aviation employers willing to pay?

Since Avjobs applicants can search for positions by both wage type and salary; Avjobs highly encourages employers to provide a salary range for each position posted (low to high). We believe that you need to know whether the position will be paid by the hour or salary, as well as how much; unfortunately many companies are not able, or willing, to disclose this information on every job.

For this reason, Avjobs also offers a list of current Salary & Hourly "New Hire" earnings as reported by Participating Employers. "This is what aviation employers are offering to new employees today."

The aviation industry offers career opportunities to suit many interests and backgrounds. Avjobs provides this look at careers in aviation for you as you plan for your future.

Combine the Career Overviews, Salary Table and Job Search Tools to help you achieve your Aviation Career goal today!

You may check the current salary for any job any time! Go to the "Salaries" page. Select Salaries from the Navigation Menu.
(Each time an employer enters salary data into their posting, they contribute to the most recent industry salaries and the table is updated in "real-time".)

In a perfect world the three (3) most important things this system should do are...

Your answers to this question are very important; in order to continue to better the system for you and to make sure you are aware of all of the benefits currently available.

These are actual questions and comments provided by active members. In the event you need additional answers please visit our Help Center for additional information.

Who is viewing my resume

In a perfect world the Avjobs system should...

- Have the ability to see who requests my resume.
- Supply information concerning who is viewing my resume (Company name).

Absolutely! Avjobs requires that all employers register prior to searching resumes. When any employer views your resume, you are immediately notified, via your "" email account. The subject of the email is "Avjobs Resume Hit - Company Name".

Each email contains:

  • the exact date your resume was viewed
  • the exact time your resume was viewed
  • the company name
  • a company web address
  • and a short company description

This was set up to not only provide you with this information but to also remind you to keep your resume up-to-date. For the Employer, all Resume search results are sorted by edit date (most current resume at the top of the list).

FOR BEST RESULTS: Update your Resume now and often to go to the top of the Employer search results list.

You may turn this notification service on and off by changing your selections in the Personalization Settings area under My Account.

  • Go to the "Personalize Your Settings" page. Select My Account > Personalize Settings (or use the Personalize Settings shortcut on the navigation menu).
    You will now be on the "Personalize Your Settings" page. You can visit this section to adjust your settings at any time.
  • Find: "Resume Settings" select Yes for both "Resume Privacy:" and "Email me when Resume Viewed:".
  • Scroll down and Save.

In a perfect world the three (3) most important things this system should do are...
Your answers to this question are very important; in order to continue to better the system for you and to make sure you are aware of all of the benefits currently available.

These are actual questions and comments provided by active members. In the event you need additional answers please visit our Help Center for additional information.

16 ways to view aviation job postings at Avjobs

In a perfect world the Avjobs system should...

Allow me to search jobs:

  • by categories. For example, pilots only.
  • by job title or description.
  • by location.
  • by salary.

You Can! Many applicants are saying that you wish you could Search and Sort jobs by specific criteria and you absolutely can.

The Avjobs System is designed to give you different options for doing a specific job search. You may search and view position in a number of different ways. Avjobs has extensive search capabilities to help you find the jobs you are looking for quickly and easily.

Using the "Search Jobs" tool, you can narrow or broaden your search by using one of the 16 options to search and view the job postings. Below is a detailed description of each and how they work:

Display All Jobs
When you click "Search Jobs", a general job search is presented to you by most recently posted. Each time you click the "Search Jobs" link this summary of the most recent positions posted will be displayed. To return to the Display All search results.

View Jobs by Category
Step 1: From the Search Jobs Menu, click "Category"
Step 2: Select a category from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

Each job posting is placed into a category. Categories include: Airport, A&P Mechanic, Avionics, Cargo, Computer, Dispatch, Engineering and Aerospace, Executive, Flight Attendant, Ground and Ramp, Helicopter, Internships, Management, Office and Administrative, Other, Pilot, Reservations, Sales-Marketing, Temporary or Seasonal. You may need to search multiple categories to locate all available opportunities. An example of this may be:
Flight Service Manager
This position would typically be found in the Flight Attendant category. However, you may also find this position under the Management category based on the posting companies standards. The best approach is to search both categories and by doing so, would produce the greatest number of opportunities.

View Jobs by Position Title
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Position Title"
Step 2: Select a position title from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This is a good way to see the available companies that are hiring for the position you are interested in.

View Jobs by City
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "City"
Step 2: Select a city from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by City.

View Jobs by State
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "State"
Step 2: Select a state from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by State.

View Jobs by City and State
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "City and State"
Step 2: Select a City and/or State from the drop down lists and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by City and/or State.

View Jobs by Zip/Postal Code
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Zip/Postal Code"
Step 2: Select a postal code from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list jobs closest to the Postal Code entered in order of proximity.

View Jobs by Country
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Country"
Step 2: Select a country from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by Country.

View Jobs by Company
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Company"
Step 2: Select a company name from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by Company name. This is a good way to see if particular companies are hiring in many different locations or for many different position titles.

View Jobs by Continent or Region
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Continent or Region"
Step 2: Select a Continent or Region from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by Continent or Region. This is a good way to see if particular companies are hiring in a particular part of the world.

View Jobs by Geographic Location
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Geographic Location"
Step 2: Select a Geographic Location from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"
This request sorts the listings by location so you may pinpoint a specific geographical area.

View Jobs by Wage Type
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Wage type"
Step 2: Select either Hourly or Salary from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This will list ALL jobs in ALL categories that are paid either Hourly or Salary.

View Jobs by Low Wage
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Low Wage"
Step 2: Select a wage from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by the wage you selected. This menu is sorted by the lowest wage to the highest.

View Jobs by High Wage
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "High Wage"
Step 2: Select a wage from the drop down list and click "Search Listings"

This request will list ALL jobs in ALL categories, sorted by the wage you selected. This menu is sorted by the highest wage to the lowest.

View Jobs by Keyword
Step 1: From the "Search Jobs" Menu, click "Keyword"
Step 2: Type in keyword(s) and click "Search Listings"

Search by Keywords if you are looking for something specific in the job description like "401K" or "Benefits". The results generated are pulled from the Positions Description only.

Advanced Job Search: Using All Search Parameters
The Advanced Search should be used to retrieve very specific listings or to get research information or company information and job posting history. Available search options include; Position Category, Position Title, Company, Give Preference to Avjobs Members, Confidential Postings, Continent or Region, Geographic Location, Wage Type, Low End Wage, High End Wage, Pay Negotiable, One Click Service Only, One Click Service Available, Country or Region, City, State, Postal Code, or Keyword.

The Advanced Search allows you to use multiple search criteria for pinpoint searches. Search for a position that best fits your preferences. Enter as many search targets as you wish, but you must enter at least one or the system will bring back everything. Click on the "Search Listings" button to begin a search.

The numbers in parenthesis next to each selection in a drop down list denotes the total number of jobs that are posted in that selection.

You may select more than one value from each drop down list by holding the "Ctrl" key while making you selections. You may select one or multiple values from each menu. Clicking the search button without making a selection returns ALL. Ctlr+Click: selects non-consecutive values - Shift+Click: selects consecutive values.

In a perfect world the three (3) most important things this system should do are...
Your answers to this question are very important; in order to continue to better the system for you and to make sure you are aware of all of the benefits currently available.

These are actual questions and comments provided by active members. In the event you need additional answers please visit our Help Center for additional information.

Copy and paste my existing resume

In a perfect world the Avjobs system should...

Allow me to copy and paste my existing resume.

You can copy and paste your existing resume...
If you already have your resume typed into a word processing program you can copy and paste the appropriate information into each corresponding field.

The resume database was created as a "Searchable" system for Employers to narrow their search and find the right candidate for the job. Employers have the option of searching many of the fields separately to help in the process. Therefore, it is important to fill out as many of the fields as possible.

What will the employer see?
As you complete and save each portion of your resume, you can click on the "View Resume" link located in the My Resume sub menu. This is exactly how an employer will see your resume in the resume database. Employers also have the option to view more detailed information about your resume/application but the initial view will be formatted as a professional aviation formatted resume.

Taking the extra time to complete the Online Job Application & Resume Builder correctly greatly increases your chances of coming back in an Employer's search.

Avjobs continues to connect job seekers and HR professionals in the aviation community everyday. We are positive that the Online Job Application &
Resume Builder will do just that.

TIP: The system will time-out after 30 minutes of sitting on any one page. If you have a lot of text to type on a particular page, you may want type the info in a word processing program first and then copy and paste the information into each field. This will spell check for you too!

*More: If you do not care about coming back in an employer search, and you absolutely want to copy and paste your existing resume; you can paste your entire resume into the system instead of copying and pasting parts of your current resume into their appropriate fields. You would do this under the "Personal Information" section of your resume, in the "Career Objective" field. You must still have provided your primary career interest and personal contact information, or your resume will not show up at all.

* Please remember that we do not promote this decision because the system is fully searchable for employers by the information entered into each field. Therefore you may not come back in an employer's specific search for employees.

In a perfect world the three (3) most important things this system should do are...
Your answers to this question are very important; in order to continue to better the system for you and to make sure you are aware of all of the benefits currently available.

These are actual questions and comments provided by active members. In the event you need additional answers please visit our Help Center for additional information.

Display recent jobs and account changes or updates

In a perfect world the Avjobs system should...

Always get the latest version of a page to display recent jobs and account changes or updates.

Wondering why your browser doesn't always display the latest version of some pages, after you just updated your resume or made specific changes to your account?

Avjobs is updated daily and it is worth setting your browser to "Always Check for Newer Version of Stored Pages at Every Visit to the Page" (MSIE).

Check for newer versions of stored pages - The options in this section tells Internet Explorer what it should do when you visit a web page. Every time you visit a website Internet Explorer stores a copy of this web page in the Temporary Internet Files folder. When you revisit that same web page, whether or not that information is downloaded again or taken directly from locally stored copy is decided based upon the setting you choose in this section.

Internet Options Screen

Instructions on how to set your Internet Explorer Browser so it will always load the latest version of any web page. (You can follow these instructions right now, using this browser window, or print this page for later use).

Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options .

A window will open like the one above. Click the General tab, then click the Settings button.

In the Settings window (left), check (or uncheck) the options you would like to use.

Note: These illustrations show Internet Explorer 6 in Windows XP. Other versions may vary slightly.

Please feel free to contact Avjobs with any additional questions regarding this topic.


IF YOU ARE NOT USING INTERNET EXPLORER YOU MAY HAVE TO CLICK ON "Refresh" OR "Reload" at the top of your browser, depending on which browser you are using. IF YOU ARE AN AOL CUSTOMER you can still use Internet Explorer as your browser, and you will find that it works great, as most web pages are designed to be viewed in Internet Explorer, with rather unpredictable results in other browsers.

In a perfect world the three (3) most important things this system should do are...

Your answers to this question are very important; in order to continue to better the system for you and to make sure you are aware of all of the benefits currently available.

These are actual questions and comments provided by active members. In the event you need additional answers please visit our r Help Center for additional information. Where Employers & Employees Come to Meet!