Advertise with Us

Advertise with Us

Advertise with Us

Advertise your business on the Aviation Ad Network ™

No matter what your budget, you can display your ads and only pay if people click on them.

  • Pay only when people click your ads.
  • Control your budget
  • You set your own price and decide how much you want to spend each day. You can make changes or cancel at any time.
  • You create your ads
  • You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business.
  • Aviation Specific Network
  • Now you're advertising to an audience that's already interested in you and the same things you are.
  • You attract customers
  • People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you.
  • Creating an ad is a snap! Try building one without obligation as your ad won't appear until you verify your account.

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If you prefer, we'll set up your ad for you, free of charge.
Just call us at 1 303 683-2322*

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It Pays to Partner

It Pays to Partner

Aviation Ad Network ™ Affiliate Program

If you're looking for a flexible, hassle-free way to make money from your aviation site, Aviation Ad Network makes perfect sense.

It's free, easy to use and there's no contract required.

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Join the Affiliate Program

Aviation Ad Network ™ Affiliate Program offers:

bullet 1Pay-Per-Click (PPC) commission structure. We only work with aviation related advertisers so we can deliver high quality relevant ads, resulting in more revenue for you! Show high-converting offers from aviations best, and earn a performance fee for driving conversions.

bullet 2You have control over the type, size and colors of ads that can appear on your pages and where you want to show them. You can also block ads that may not be right for your readers, or customize ads to better fit with your site. — Aviation Ad Network ™ makes it easy for you to earn commissions.

bullet 3Detailed reports show just how hard your site is working for you. Understand what's working and how to make more money from your ads. You also get optimization tools and a range of ad formats.

  • Self-Service account creation and easy to use web-based user-interface
  • Ad Code Wizard for easy generation of standardized ad blocks
  • Automatic advertisement matching to page content via Contextual Match Engine
  • Ability to create Publisher Channels for improved reporting and refinement
  • Transaction History Report to view earnings by day within the provided date range
  • Payment via PayPal or Check

bullet 4You can sign up today. It's free, easy to use and there's no contract required. Our quality screening ensures your site will have ads you can trust. Set-it and forget it, and let your space work for you!

Aviation Ad Network

Overcome user ad-blindness with better ad placements

A general principle for ad placements says that you should place your ad units high up on the page so your users will see them easily. However, ad units placed at the absolute top of the page (before any content) tend to suffer from user ad-blindness and on average show a 61% lower CTR than ads below the header and closer to the content.

If you have an ad unit at the very top of the page, you should test whether moving the ad unit closer to the rest of your content, yet still above the fold, improves the ad performance.

Visit Aviation Ad Network

Here's more about how your ads may look and how visitors might see them.

Here's more about how your ads may look and how visitors might see them.


How your ads may look and how visitors might see themPlease keep in mind, ad creation, content, images and text that you use are all up to you. How your ad actually appears (IAB ad unit guidelines) on the publishers website is determined by the publisher and what best meets their needs. The following are provided as simple examples of how ads may look. Please also remember you may create both text and image based ads at no cost.

There is no requirement on how many or how few ads you create. However publishers may choose to display text only, image only, or both types of ads (random) on their sites. Since creating ads is free and publishers choose the format they want, we recommend that you create a variety of ads and monitor their activity and click through rates to determine their success. There is no difference in price or cost for text or images based ads so try both. In fact we encourage you to try variations both to determine what works best for you.

You can also view "Real", "Live " ads on the Aviation Ad Network ™ home page, and our company blog.

Where your ads can appear

Where your ads can appear

When you advertise with Aviation Ad Network ™, your ads can appear on different places across the web, depending on how you target your ads, to whom you choose to show them, and the types of ads you create. Aviation Ad Network ™ is an aviation specific advertising network, and we do our best to that all of our publishers are aviation related. Here's where or to whom your ads can appear:

Where your ads can appear• On search sites

• On websites and blogs that people visit

• On mobile phones with full browsers, tablets, and devices

• To people in specific locations or who speak a specific language

• To aviation specific audiences

Before you choose where or how to show your ads (text or image based), try thinking like your customers. What do they like? What are their habits? Where are they? What do you need to know about them so you can best reach them with your ads? Keeping your customers in mind when you make your choices can help you reach more customers and get a higher return on investment (ROI).