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Aviation Job Search

Avjobs.com is a resource that brings together employers and employees in the aviation industry (Simply put, we tell you exactly who is hiring and where - right now!). Our Job Search System is for anyone looking for aviation related industry employment at any level.  Please visit our website for additional Aviation Employment Assistance and information. Due to the overwhelming amount of resumes we receive we have implemented an application process to help us manage and track all applicants interested in employment within the industry. This system allows us to keep all applicants organized while maximizing the applicant's visibility to our recruiters. You will need to visit our website and sign into the Applicant System, members.avjobs.com , to apply for positions you are interested in. Please be aware that you will not be considered for any position until you have applied via our Applicant Website. Additionally, completing your master profile in our system will allow you to keep us updated in your career progress and it will also ensure your resume and interest will remain active and visible to our recruiters. Please visit members.avjobs.com Applicant System - From here, first complete the master profile and follow the instructions for the Jobs you are interested in. After completing the master profile and submitting your application for the Jobs you are interested in, please remember your user id (email) and password for returning to our site.

A Successful Job Search Campaign

You're 3 times more likely to land a job through Avjobs if you've completed our Online Job application.

Submit Your Job Application to thousands of aviation employers with just 1 Form.

The Avjobs Universal Online Job Application was created with the help of 17 different major airlines, and other large aerospace and aviation companies. Avjobs works together with the aviation industry to make sure you get connected with the job that is right for you. Simply fill in the fields and our Universal Online Job Application will even extract the necessary information from your application to produce a complete, professional aviation standard resume. A concise, error-free online job application adds a professional, organized touch to your "paperwork" presentation. An online job application also comes in handy if there is special information you want the employer or recruiter to know but can find no appropriate place on your resume to list these important facts. Universal Online Job Application: Each page of the application is self-explanatory and user friendly. Includes: Over 375 questions as requested by hiring managers and recruiters in the industry. Pilot and Mechanic Supplements are also included. One-Click Application Process: Having your job application online, will enable you to take advantage of the "One-click Application process". This means that if an employer has provided their email address as a way of applying for the position, you can click on the "Apply" icon, and a cover letter with a link to your job application and resume will be automatically sent to the employer. It is a standard professional cover letter that is automatically updated with the correct fields for the company and position. Direct Employer Correspondence: The Universal Online Job Application also stores your information online for potential employers to search, view, and contact you for available positions. Each time your Job Application is viewed online, we send you an email that states the date, time, and the name of the company that has viewed your resume. This is simply to notify you that your credentials are being viewed, so you can keep your Job Application and Resume updated.