Change in job posting visibility

Aviation Jobs

At Avjobs, our mission drives everything we do: we help people get jobs. Providing job seekers and aviation employers with the best possible experience is what keeps them coming back to Avjobs. It’s also what makes us the best place for employers to find the right fit every day.

As we have shared in the past, we are constantly striving to improve the job seeker’s experience. Our Search Quality team is dedicated to reviewing jobs to make sure they are of the highest quality and provide the kind of experience we believe everyone deserves. This includes ensuring jobs contain accurate information and provide easy access to job details and contact information to apply. Also important is ensuring companies don’t use posting practices that unfairly inflate job visibility and adversely affect job seekers, such as re-posting or posting jobs in locations other than where the employee will actually work.

Change in job posting visibility
We are constantly striving to balance the needs of job seekers with those of the organizations that recruit on Avjobs. And, with that in mind, Avjobs has enhanced its job posting platform for aviation recruiters and talent acquisition teams to extend their reach by publishing job postings directly to Google for Jobs.

How Avjobs Works
Avjobs identifies attributes in your job postings and the attributes that Google requires for Google for Jobs posts. We then transform those attributes into schema tags. Even though this is a complex process behind the scenes, Avjobs has put a clean, user-friendly interface on the underlying technology to make it simple to post your jobs directly to Google for Jobs, without requiring developer support.

Avjobs advanced tools are designed specifically for aviation job postings to ensure a high degree of accuracy. Our tools automatically recognize all of the key Google tag attributes including title, job location, job description, date posted, and hiring organization. You have the option to review your posting and make adjustments if necessary, and then with one click, publish your job.

Google for Jobs uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and integrations with Avjobs to make it possible for your jobs to be seen in Google search results, and to be found more easily, despite the variety of titles a job may have. It has potential to bring a lot more visibility to job posts and attract more applicants than ever.

Now, in just one step, aviation employers and recruiters are able to push job postings directly to Google for Jobs by using Avjobs, accelerating candidate flow and reducing the cost and time to hire. The Avjobs system automatically identifies the attributes that Google requires and structures the Google tags—all without touching the underlying job posting.

How long does it take for my job to show up on Google?
Assuming you have posted your job on Avjobs, it shouldn't take too long - you just have to wait for Google to index your posting on our site. This can sometimes take a few days.

About Avjobs:
Avjobs provides the aviation industry with recruitment tools and a marketing platform that is designed to quickly and directly publish job postings to Google for Jobs, maximize their visibility and accelerate the flow of qualified candidates. Created for aviation recruiters, talent acquisition teams and HR professionals, Avjobs offers the fastest and most direct path to posting jobs on Google for Jobs with “just one step,” all without the need for HTML coding or developer support.

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Avjobs Job Slots

Avjobs Job Slots

We’re excited to announce that we now offer online Job Slot subscriptions! (Actually, we always offered Job Slot subscriptions.  We call it Unlimited Job Postings)

Have you thought about advertising your jobs on Avjobs? Unlimited Job Postings will help you find top talent and pivot to hit hiring goals with ease.

Avjobs Job Slots

What You Need to Know

Job Slots are easy to use — you post your open positions on Avjobs, and instead of buying another job posting every time you have a new role, you can swap out one of the jobs you had already posted and re-use your slots. And, you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time!

Advertise your jobs on an ongoing basis; swap out, pause, remove and restart a job slot at any time. This means as your hiring needs change whether daily, weekly or monthly you can easily manage all your recruitment needs.

Why did we do this? Avjobs is hoping to help aviation businesses everywhere recruit more flexibly. Hopefully, Job Slots allow more control over your recruitment needs. Employers can now swap jobs in and out of slots based on immediate recruiting needs without paying more money. Unlike a single job post that only allows 1 job posting at a time, our Unlimited Job Postings job slots allow for truely unlimited job postings and can be constantly updated, changed or cancelled!

Added bonus: Your Dashboard

Other benefits of these Job Slot packages (that come in packages of 1, or Unlimited) is access to Your Dashboard. With Your Dashboard, you can review performance metrics like number of views, apply starts and job grader.

Job Slot FAQ

Q: Are there differences between a single job posting and Job Slots Unlimited Job Postings subscriptions?

A: All jobs are shown to job seekers on Avjobs. You can save time and money with an Unlimited Job Postings subscription – to post all your jobs and swap jobs in and out any time!

Q: What if you don’t have multiple jobs to post today?

A: No worries! The slots are there for whenever you have another job to post. And if you needed a little added reassurance, you can always post a single job posting free.

Try it free!

At Avjobs, we love our employers and want you to try us out for seven days, free of charge. Try it out for yourself today!

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