Who is hiring and where

Aviation Job Search

Avjobs.com is a resource that brings together employers and employees in the aviation industry (Simply put, we tell you exactly who is hiring and where - right now!). Our Job Search System is for anyone looking for aviation related industry employment at any level.  Please visit our website for additional Aviation Employment Assistance and information. Due to the overwhelming amount of resumes we receive we have implemented an application process to help us manage and track all applicants interested in employment within the industry. This system allows us to keep all applicants organized while maximizing the applicant's visibility to our recruiters. You will need to visit our website and sign into the Applicant System, members.avjobs.com , to apply for positions you are interested in. Please be aware that you will not be considered for any position until you have applied via our Applicant Website. Additionally, completing your master profile in our system will allow you to keep us updated in your career progress and it will also ensure your resume and interest will remain active and visible to our recruiters. Please visit members.avjobs.com Applicant System - From here, first complete the master profile and follow the instructions for the Jobs you are interested in. After completing the master profile and submitting your application for the Jobs you are interested in, please remember your user id (email) and password for returning to our site.

Big Job Boards - No Win Situation for Aviation Industry Applicants

Aviation Jobs PO Box 630830
Littleton, CO

Press Release


Tahna Stanley
Director of Sales & Marketing
Avjobs, Inc.

Big Job Boards - No Win Situation for Aviation Industry Applicants

LITTLETON, CO (January 3, 2006) – More and more aviation industry applicants are finding success through Avjobs.com, the leading job site serving commercial, corporate and general aviation, than with the big job boards.  Avjobs.com proves to be the superior choice for applicants who want to be seen, contacted and hired by key industry employers.

The recent launch of their innovative Applicant System is exactly what industry applicants need to find jobs, prepare for and get interviews, and obtain employment in the aviation industry.  “Our new Applicant System plays a significant role in strengthening the success rate ofAvjobs applicants finding a new career.” comments President/CEO Tim Lahey.  “This is a very exciting time for our company as we expand our line of services to better serve our customers.  In addition to providing industry specific job vacancies, we offer countless tools that save our applicants time and money while finding a position in this dynamic industry.”  He continues.

Competition can be fierce.  That’s why Avjobs’ new interface offers the most comprehensive technology in the aviation recruiting industry.  Numerous features were built-in that cannot be found anywhere else, providing applicants with tools they need for a successful job search.  These tools give Avjobs members a competitive advantage over other applicants and applicants can immediately begin viewing jobs and applying after registering with the site.

Applicant reviews have been great.  “There is not a job site that comes close to measuring up to what Avjobs offers in its new Applicant System,” states Craig Carson, an active industry job seeker and A&P Mechanic.  “The interface is user friendly and gave me exactly what I’m looking for; guidance and lots of job opportunities with the industries top employers.”  As candidates like Craig use Avjobs.com in search of employment, they will undoubtedly find success with one of the 8,000+ key industry employers and recruiters using the site to recruit applicants.

This is a very exciting time for the company and its applicants as they build their brand and uphold their mark as The Leading Aviation Job Site.  Clearly, Avjobs.com will continue to be the place “Where Employers & Employees Come to Meet”.


Where Employers & Employees Come to Meet!