Avjobs Cares
As an aviation job seeker, there is no better time to focus on yourself and your future than right now. That’s why our staff, is taking immediate action to offer aviation candidates a free resume builder account with cloud hosting. Spend this quality down time to craft your best resume so you stand out.
Build your cohesive aviation resume
- Plug your credentials into the most advanced aviation master profile and resume builder
- Build, edit, publish, download, apply and store your resume in the cloud
- Complete Mechanic & Pilot supplements to highlight special skills & get recruiters’ attention
- Build compelling points that quantify and demonstrate your value and achievements
Once you complete the Avjobs Resume Builder you can receive an additional 30 days for free (60 free days in total) Accounts that remain open after first free 30 days are billed 14.99/month thereafter
Strategies you can use right now to keep current
- Take advantage of this downtime to focus on yourself
- View job descriptions for keywords and verbiage you can use to reboot your resume
- Companies are still hiring and building pipelines for future jobs so keep applying
- Be patient and know you may not receive a response
- Follow-up to inquire if you don’t hear back
- Do your research and prepare for online and remote interviews
- And of course, remain optimistic and think positive
When you complete your master profile, send a message to our Help Desk and ask for a free resume review. If your resume is complete and meets the minimum number of words or characters, we’ll extend your free term an additional 30 days.
Avjobs stands committed to addressing the needs of aviation job seekers and we give you this opportunity to show off the best version of you. Register now and build your resume and your future.