Menzies Aviation job details and career information

Ramp Supervisor Yul French And English Fluent Featured

Dorval, Qc Canada
Job ID

Les principales responsabilités sont les suivantes :
+ Responsable des performances opérationnelles quotidiennes de la sûreté de la sécurité et de la satisfaction des clients du produit grâce à un soutien et à une gestion efficaces des zones de livraison.
+ Fournir en permanence le plus haut niveau possible de service à la clientèle.
+ Il est chargé de veiller à ce que le produit des compagnies aériennes soit livré de manière cohérente à nos compagnies aériennes clientes en respectant des normes de niveau de service exigeantes et des objectifs de performance en matière de respect des délais.
+ Être proactif dans tous les domaines en planifiant à lavance et en assumant la responsabilité du travail en cours.
+ Assurer un contrôle sûr et correct de toutes les ressources sur la piste.
+ Se conformer à toutes les réglementations des compagnies aériennes en matière dassistance en escale ainsi quaux autorités aéroportuaires locales.
+ Sassurer que le RSMS (système interne de reporting de facturation et de statistiques) est précis et à jour avec toutes les déviations par rapport au programme initial.
+ Vérifier et modifier les détails des vols tels que les horaires les chargements et les codes de retard.
+ Insérer et confirmer dans le RSMS sur une base quotidienne les services rendus pour chaque vol.
+ Apporter un soutien actif des conseils et des encouragements à ses collègues de travail.
+ Veiller à ce que les procédures de sécurité et de sûreté soient conformes aux normes définies dans le manuel de politique de santé et de sécurité de Menzies ainsi quaux normes internationales en matière daviation.
+ Protéger la santé la sécurité et le bien-être du personnel des clients et des autres visiteurs conformément à la politique de santé et de sécurité de lentreprise.
+ Traiter de manière professionnelle et confiante toutes les questions interrogations ou demandes dinformation.
Qualifications et expérience :
+ Compétences et expérience avérées en matière de leadership.
+ Il faut être âgé dau moins 18 ans et être en mesure de travailler légalement au Canada.
+ Il faut être titulaire dun permis de conduire valide et dune autorisation dexercer.
+ Aptitude avérée à diriger à encadrer et à développer le personnel.
+ Être bien organisé avoir le souci du détail et de lexactitude être capable de travailler de sa propre initiative en respectant des délais précis savoir reconnaître et relever les défis rapidement et efficacement.
+ Vaste expérience dans le domaine de la manutention sur piste et bonne compréhension des départements opérationnels.
+ Connaissance approfondie de laccord standard de manutention au sol de lIATA.
+ Familiarité avec les GOM les procédures des compagnies aériennes les procédures aéroportuaires et les législations aéroportuaires.
+ Connaissance approfondie des normes internationales de sécurité et de sûreté aériennes et passionné par la promotion de ces normes au sein de lorganisation.
+ Vous êtes motivé(e) par les accords de niveau de service (SLA) afin de répondre aux attentes des clients en leur offrant lexcellence.
+ Un sens aigu de lengagement des parties prenantes. Cela inclut mais nest pas limité à : Le portefeuille de clients les représentants de laéroport la CAA locale les fournisseurs tiers locaux.
+ Capacité à développer léquipe à assurer la planification de la relève et à réorganiser les processus opérationnels en fonction de lévolution de lactivité.
+ Capacité à conduire et à mettre en œuvre des plans damélioration et le processus de suivi correspondant.
+ Capacité à identifier lefficacité ou linefficacité de la productivité et à adapter la demande opérationnelle en fonction de la dynamique opérationnelle au sein de la station.
Main accountabilities include:
+ Responsible for day to day operational performance safety security and customer satisfaction of the product through effective support and management of delivery areas.
+ To consistently deliver the highest possible level of customer service at all times.
+ Responsible for ensuring the airlines product is delivered consistently to demanding service level standards and on time performance targets to our Customer Airlines.
+ To be pro-active in all areas by forward planning and taking responsibility for the job in hand.
+ To ensure the safe and correct control of all resources on the Ramp.
+ To comply with all Airlines Ground Handling Regulations as well as local Airport Authorities.
+ Ensure RSMS (internal reporting billing and statistical system) is accurate and up to date with all the deviation from the initial schedule.
+ Check and amend the flight details such as times loads and delay codes.
+ Insert and confirm in RSMS on a daily basis the services that were rendered for each flight.
+ To actively give support guidance and encouragement to your work colleagues.
+ Ensuring safety and security procedures are according to standards set within the Menzies Health and Safety Policy Manual and according to international aviation standards.
+ Safeguard the health safety and welfare of staff customers and other visitors as required in full compliance with the Company’s Health and Safety Policy.
+ To process in a professional and confident way any questions queries or grievances.
+ Promote an open reporting culture.
+ Ensuring investigations take place into any incident/accident non-conformity or service delivery failure with resulting corrective actions being established and then maintained.
+ Work closely with GSE responsible personnel to ensure active and effective GSE management defect reporting system and GSE checks.
+ Ensure no Company property abuse occurs.
+ Assess relevant training needs for department employees including assessment methods and measurement systems entailed.
+ Stay informed as to the relevant skills and qualification levels required by staff for effective performance.
+ Accountable for ongoing day to day management to an approved business plan.
+ Improving delivery of Menzies Aviation products and services through developing a motivated and skilled team.
+ Ensuring the department follows a consistent Human Resources process with the relevant company policies being delivered at all times.
+ Closely monitor absenteeism and put improvement plans into effect when necessary.
+ Work with airport suppliers and handlers to ensure prescribed levels of service at agreed standards are delivered.
+ Establish and maintain a safe working environment for employees and customers to comply with Company policy and health safety and security regulations while promoting a “Safety First”-culture.
+ Any other reasonable duties as requested by any direct or indirect report.
+ Promote a professional image at all times applying the Company Uniform Standards.
+ To follow all processes involved in “Triple A” Regulations.
+ To understand and operate all equipment safely effectively and correctly and in line with the relevant training given.
+ Ensure tasks are performed in accordance with the Company and Airlines specific procedures and policies.
+ Required to attend the mandatory training imposed by the Company and Airlines as per job role.
+ Other duties as assigned
Qualifications and Experience:
+ Proven leadership skills and experience.
+ Must be a minimum of 18 years of age and legally able to work in Canada
+ Must have valid Driver’s license and hold a DA.
+ Demonstrate ability to lead coach and develop staff.
+ Well organised with meticulous attention to detail and accuracy able to work on their own initiative to specific deadlines have the ability to recognise and deal with challenges promptly and efficiently.
+ Extensive experience in Ramp Handling and good understanding of the Operational departments.
+ Proficient knowledge of the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
+ Familiar with GOMs Airline procedures Airport procedures Airport legislations.
+ Fully versed on International Aviation Safety and Security standards and passionate about promoting them within the organisation.
+ SLA driven to meet customer expectations by delivering excellence.
+ A strong sense of stakeholder engagement. This includes but is not limited to: Customer portfolio Airport representatives Local CAA local third party providers.
+ Ability to develop the team provide succession planning and re-engineer business processes as demanded by changes in the business.
+ Ability to drive and deliver improvement plans and the relevant follow up process.
+ Ability to identify productivity efficiency or inefficiency and tailor the operational demand based on the operational dynamics within the station.
+ Adaptability with regards to working with a multi-national workforce and collaborating well with local working unions.
+ Able to produce comprehensive reports to senior managers.
+ Work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
+ Excellent written and verbal communication skills with employees management customers and outside institutions.
+ Must be flexible to adapt to changing demands/circumstances/weather conditions.
+ Calm and approachable manner.
+ Knowledge of local labour legislation is a big advantage.
+ Must be available and flexible to work variable shifts including weekends and holidays.
+ Must be able to lift up to 70lbs when required
+ Must be able to obtain and hold all required security clearances.
+ Computer literate with knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.

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With more than 200 airport operations across 6 continents, Menzies Aviation relies on more than 30,000 employees to ensure that our services hit the heights which are expected of us. We believe that true excellence is only delivered by people with the knowledge, tools and passion to set standards rather than chase them. We offer landside and airside services tailored to our customers needs, timed to their schedules, and delivered by teams with the knowledge, tools and passion to set standards rather than chase them. Our core services include Ground Handling, Cargo, Fueling, Executive Services and Offline Services.

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Menzies Aviation is accepting resumes and actively recruiting for this Ramp Supervisor Yul French And English Fluent position in Dorval, Quebec. Be sure to send your resume using the "Apply Now" button or by following the application instructions provided by the employer.

Ramp Supervisor Yul French And English Fluent

Location: Dorval QC

Industry: Aviation
Occupational Category: Ground Operations
Hours: Full-time, 40 hours per week
Salary: USD 0

Description: Menzies Aviation seeks a Ramp Supervisor Yul French And English Fluent.
Les principales responsabilités sont les suivantes :
+ Responsable des performances opérationnelles quotidiennes de la sûreté de la sécurité et de la satisfaction des clients du produit grâce à un soutien et à une gestion efficaces des zones de livraison.
+ Fournir en permanence le plus haut niveau possible de service à la clientèle.
+ Il est chargé de veiller à ce que le produit des compagnies aériennes soit livré de manière cohérente à nos compagnies aériennes clientes en respectant des normes de niveau de service exigeantes et des objectifs de performance en matière de respect des délais.
+ Être proactif dans tous les domaines en planifiant à lavance et en assumant la responsabilité du travail en cours.
+ Assurer un contrôle sûr et correct de toutes les ressources sur la piste.
+ Se conformer à toutes les réglementations des compagnies aériennes en matière dassistance en escale ainsi quaux autorités aéroportuaires locales.
+ Sassurer que le RSMS (système interne de reporting de facturation et de statistiques) est précis et à jour avec toutes les déviations par rapport au programme initial.
+ Vérifier et modifier les détails des vols tels que les horaires les chargements et les codes de retard.
+ Insérer et confirmer dans le RSMS sur une base quotidienne les services rendus pour chaque vol.
+ Apporter un soutien actif des conseils et des encouragements à ses collègues de travail.
+ Veiller à ce que les procédures de sécurité et de sûreté soient conformes aux normes définies dans le manuel de politique de santé et de sécurité de Menzies ainsi quaux normes internationales en matière daviation.
+ Protéger la santé la sécurité et le bien-être du personnel des clients et des autres visiteurs conformément à la politique de santé et de sécurité de lentreprise.
+ Traiter de manière professionnelle et confiante toutes les questions interrogations ou demandes dinformation.
Qualifications et expérience :
+ Compétences et expérience avérées en matière de leadership.
+ Il faut être âgé dau moins 18 ans et être en mesure de travailler légalement au Canada.
+ Il faut être titulaire dun permis de conduire valide et dune autorisation dexercer.
+ Aptitude avérée à diriger à encadrer et à développer le personnel.
+ Être bien organisé avoir le souci du détail et de lexactitude être capable de travailler de sa propre initiative en respectant des délais précis savoir reconnaître et relever les défis rapidement et efficacement.
+ Vaste expérience dans le domaine de la manutention sur piste et bonne compréhension des départements opérationnels.
+ Connaissance approfondie de laccord standard de manutention au sol de lIATA.
+ Familiarité avec les GOM les procédures des compagnies aériennes les procédures aéroportuaires et les législations aéroportuaires.
+ Connaissance approfondie des normes internationales de sécurité et de sûreté aériennes et passionné par la promotion de ces normes au sein de lorganisation.
+ Vous êtes motivé(e) par les accords de niveau de service (SLA) afin de répondre aux attentes des clients en leur offrant lexcellence.
+ Un sens aigu de lengagement des parties prenantes. Cela inclut mais nest pas limité à : Le portefeuille de clients les représentants de laéroport la CAA locale les fournisseurs tiers locaux.
+ Capacité à développer léquipe à assurer la planification de la relève et à réorganiser les processus opérationnels en fonction de lévolution de lactivité.
+ Capacité à conduire et à mettre en œuvre des plans damélioration et le processus de suivi correspondant.
+ Capacité à identifier lefficacité ou linefficacité de la productivité et à adapter la demande opérationnelle en fonction de la dynamique opérationnelle au sein de la station.
Main accountabilities include:
+ Responsible for day to day operational performance safety security and customer satisfaction of the product through effective support and management of delivery areas.
+ To consistently deliver the highest possible level of customer service at all times.
+ Responsible for ensuring the airlines product is delivered consistently to demanding service level standards and on time performance targets to our Customer Airlines.
+ To be pro-active in all areas by forward planning and taking responsibility for the job in hand.
+ To ensure the safe and correct control of all resources on the Ramp.
+ To comply with all Airlines Ground Handling Regulations as well as local Airport Authorities.
+ Ensure RSMS (internal reporting billing and statistical system) is accurate and up to date with all the deviation from the initial schedule.
+ Check and amend the flight details such as times loads and delay codes.
+ Insert and confirm in RSMS on a daily basis the services that were rendered for each flight.
+ To actively give support guidance and encouragement to your work colleagues.
+ Ensuring safety and security procedures are according to standards set within the Menzies Health and Safety Policy Manual and according to international aviation standards.
+ Safeguard the health safety and welfare of staff customers and other visitors as required in full compliance with the Company’s Health and Safety Policy.
+ To process in a professional and confident way any questions queries or grievances.
+ Promote an open reporting culture.
+ Ensuring investigations take place into any incident/accident non-conformity or service delivery failure with resulting corrective actions being established and then maintained.
+ Work closely with GSE responsible personnel to ensure active and effective GSE management defect reporting system and GSE checks.
+ Ensure no Company property abuse occurs.
+ Assess relevant training needs for department employees including assessment methods and measurement systems entailed.
+ Stay informed as to the relevant skills and qualification levels required by staff for effective performance.
+ Accountable for ongoing day to day management to an approved business plan.
+ Improving delivery of Menzies Aviation products and services through developing a motivated and skilled team.
+ Ensuring the department follows a consistent Human Resources process with the relevant company policies being delivered at all times.
+ Closely monitor absenteeism and put improvement plans into effect when necessary.
+ Work with airport suppliers and handlers to ensure prescribed levels of service at agreed standards are delivered.
+ Establish and maintain a safe working environment for employees and customers to comply with Company policy and health safety and security regulations while promoting a “Safety First”-culture.
+ Any other reasonable duties as requested by any direct or indirect report.
+ Promote a professional image at all times applying the Company Uniform Standards.
+ To follow all processes involved in “Triple A” Regulations.
+ To understand and operate all equipment safely effectively and correctly and in line with the relevant training given.
+ Ensure tasks are performed in accordance with the Company and Airlines specific procedures and policies.
+ Required to attend the mandatory training imposed by the Company and Airlines as per job role.
+ Other duties as assigned
Qualifications and Experience:
+ Proven leadership skills and experience.
+ Must be a minimum of 18 years of age and legally able to work in Canada
+ Must have valid Driver’s license and hold a DA.
+ Demonstrate ability to lead coach and develop staff.
+ Well organised with meticulous attention to detail and accuracy able to work on their own initiative to specific deadlines have the ability to recognise and deal with challenges promptly and efficiently.
+ Extensive experience in Ramp Handling and good understanding of the Operational departments.
+ Proficient knowledge of the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
+ Familiar with GOMs Airline procedures Airport procedures Airport legislations.
+ Fully versed on International Aviation Safety and Security standards and passionate about promoting them within the organisation.
+ SLA driven to meet customer expectations by delivering excellence.
+ A strong sense of stakeholder engagement. This includes but is not limited to: Customer portfolio Airport representatives Local CAA local third party providers.
+ Ability to develop the team provide succession planning and re-engineer business processes as demanded by changes in the business.
+ Ability to drive and deliver improvement plans and the relevant follow up process.
+ Ability to identify productivity efficiency or inefficiency and tailor the operational demand based on the operational dynamics within the station.
+ Adaptability with regards to working with a multi-national workforce and collaborating well with local working unions.
+ Able to produce comprehensive reports to senior managers.
+ Work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
+ Excellent written and verbal communication skills with employees management customers and outside institutions.
+ Must be flexible to adapt to changing demands/circumstances/weather conditions.
+ Calm and approachable manner.
+ Knowledge of local labour legislation is a big advantage.
+ Must be available and flexible to work variable shifts including weekends and holidays.
+ Must be able to lift up to 70lbs when required
+ Must be able to obtain and hold all required security clearances.
+ Computer literate with knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.


Educational requirements:

Experience requirements:

Desired Skills:




Date Posted: 2025-2-14

Please Apply by: 2025-3-2