The Aviation Ad Network can help you connect with customers on websites around the world.

The Aviation Ad Network ™ can help you connect with customers on websites around the world.

You can show your ads to people when they visit, for example, their favorite aviation sites or blogs. Connect with customers on aviaiton websites around the world

The Aviation Ad Network ™ reaches unique Internet users around the world, including people speaking more than 20 languages in over 100 countries. But you're still in control of your ad targeting:

• You can narrow or expand your focus at any time by changing the countries or regions for your campaigns. Your ads appear on Aviation Ad Network ™ sites based on your campaign location settings. Not specifying a target location gives you the widest reach, while selecting specific locations limits your ads visibility to only the locations you have selected.

• You can choose specific websites you'd like your ads to appear on and sites you'd like to prevent your ads from appearing on.

• You can select specific types of audiences to reach with your ads by providing keywords. Not specifying keywords gives you the widest reach, while selecting specific keywords limits your ads visibility to only the keywords you have selected. 

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When you open a new advertiser account. Use Promotion Code: AVADGO25

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