Bulk Loading/Auto Import using XML

Avjobs Bulk Loading/Auto Import XML Field Map

Contact us with any questions about Bulk Loading/Auto Import, or creating your job feed.
(303) 683-2322 Email...@avjobs.com


Thank you for choosing Avjobs to advertise your job opportunities.

This information is intended for customers who plan to utilize the Avjobs Business Gateway. In addition to being able to post jobs through the Avjobs Employer Services site, Avjobs provides a process to automatically post jobs in bulk.

Avjobs offers a high level of customized integration of job and applicant data using the Avjobs Business Gateway, which involves transferring data between systems using XML and other document file formats. This service is provided for customers with a large number of jobs who need a stronger integration with their HRMS, ATS, Online Recruiting System or ERP systems.

Bulk Loading/Auto Import using XML

In addition to being able to post jobs through the Avjobs Employer Services site, Avjobs provides a process to automatically post jobs in bulk.

If you would like to utilize the bulk loading/auto import service, please supply your jobs in our preferred XML data feed format - (TXT). Feeds submitted in our preferred format are reviewed and indexed more quickly than other formats and may perform better in search results depending on the amount of information provided in the feed.

A few important items you should know about our Bulk Loading/Auto Import service for XML:

  • Bulk Loading/Auto Import requires at least an Unlimited Job Postings plan and Annual Billing term
  • All data feeds must include at least 10 jobs and comply with our quality guidelines and feed specifications
  • All job content must be inside CDATA sections to avoid issues processing your XML feed
  • Feeds should provide all currently open jobs, not just jobs added since the last feed request
  • Each job posting should contain a unique identifier (ie. Job posing number)
  • Search results are objectively based strictly on relevance

We do except feeds using other XML specifications. If you would like to submit your jobs using an alternate XML specification please feel free. We'll let you know if we run into any problems or require addtional information.

Acceptable Use Policies using XML

Your feed may be disabled and your jobs may be removed from our search results without notice if you do not adhere to the following:

  • URLs you provide must be permanent links directly to the job description or application process on your website, HRMS, ATS, Online Recruiting System or ERP system
  • You must NOT include links to your jobs on other job boards in your XML feed
  • All jobs provided in your XML feed must be unique to your website
  • DO NOT include expired or closed jobs in your XML feed

Contact Avjobs at 303-683-2322 if you have any questions about Bulk Loading/Auto Import service or creating your job feed. Please note that this process does take time and does not guarantee inclusion on Avjobs.

Data Objects


JOB POSTING XML DATA OBJECTS Some fields are required. Other info is optional but strongly encouraged. The more data you can provide about a job the better. preferred format - (TXT)
Category PosCategory 75 see field notes
Title PosTitle 75 see field notes
Reference Code PosNumDescr 50 see field notes
Quantity PosQuantity 10 see field notes
Last Date to Apply PosLastDateToApply 40 see field notes
Company PosAppToCompany 50 see field notes
Address PosAppToaddr1 50 see field notes
Unit, Bldg., Apt, Ste PosAppToaddr2 50 see field notes
City PosAppTocity 50 see field notes
State PosAppTostate 50 see field notes
Zip PosAppTozip 50 see field notes
Country PosAppTocountry 75 see field notes
Phone PosAppTophone 50 see field notes
Fax PosAppTofax 50 see field notes
Company Website PosAppToweb 254 see field notes
Send resume by email PosAppToemail 50 see field notes
Apply at URL/ATS PosAppTowebApply 254 see field notes
Company Overview PosAppToCompanyDescr ~ see field notes
Wage Type PosWagetype 50 see field notes
Starting Wage PosWagelow 7 see field notes
Ending Wage PosWagehigh 7 see field notes
Wage Negotiable Posnegotiablepay 1 see field notes
Position Description PosDescr ~ see field notes
Latitude lat 17.7 see field notes
Longitude lon 17.7 see field notes

Value/Format Details


PLEASE NOTE: Avjobs provides search capabilities on almost every data element in job postings (excluding poster account information). Although not all objects are required, postings with more information are preferred and ultimately more successful. We understand the unique requirements surrounding individual employers, and request as many of the original data objects provided by the originating poster as possible. Avjobs can parse the individual data objects and concatenate or omit as necessary based on account rules, customer requests, etc... When considering objects that are not-required, be sure to provide adequate application instructions, enough contact information, or an URL to allow applicants to follow your specific application instructions or process.

Include only one (1) WORK location per posting for accurate geocoding and search capabilities by location or proximity.

Category (PosCategory, 75)

Category under which this job is posted.
Categories make it easier for applicants to find jobs in general areas of the industry. Provide a value that best categorizes your job based on keywords in your job title. Although we can accept any value for category, you are encouraged to use the current list provided below for best results.

Current List of Categories:

Accounting and Finance


AP Mechanic


Business Operations

Cargo and Freight

Dispatch and Scheduling



Flight Attendant

Ground Operations





Manufacturing and Fabrication


Pilot Fixed Wing

Pilot Rotary Wing

Sales and Marketing

AP Mechanic

Title (PosTitle, 75)

Job Title
The title of the job.
Enter the job title as it would appear on a business card.

Enter the standard job title only, and only one job title per posting. If you have multiple job titles, post them separately.
Here are some tips for job titles that perform well:
Tip Provide a brief but specific job title.
Tip Enter the job title only.
Tip Do not include location, shift, reference number, A/C type, full/part time, etc
Tip Do not phrase your job title as a question
Tip Do not use punctuation
Tip Do not use excessive capitalization
Tip Do not use the word "needed", or "hiring" or "immediately", etc

Cargo Agent
Crew Scheduler
First Officer
Sales Manager
Simulator Instructor

Reference Code (PosNumDescr, 50)

Reference Code
The hiring organization's unique id for this job posting.
Your Reference Code or numbers are used to identify and trace individual postings as they move through the system. You should assign a unique reference code to each posting. You can use this number to locate, track, view, and edit your posting more easily.


Quantity (PosQuantity, 10)

The number of openings for the job.
Specify the number of personnel you will be hiring for this position. This value will default to one (1) if blank.

Last Date to Apply (PosLastDateToApply, 40)

Last Date to Apply
The date that this posting is going to expire.
Applicants will need to know the last date to apply or the close date for your posting. Postings are "Expired" from the system and no longer available to applicants at midnight on the date you select. Postings that do not include a last date to apply or close date automatically expire 30 days after their post or last modified date and are re-posted as a new posting the next time your feed is parsed.

If the position is always OPEN, or if you wish to leave this posting Open Until Filled, use the date code "0000-00-00 00:00:00". Postings using this date code will remain active on your account for 365 days from their last modification date or a maximum of 730 days from their original post date.

0000-00-00 00:00:00
2016-10-15 00:00:00

Company (PosAppToCompany, 50)

Name of the company hiring or posting the job.
Provide the Company Name where the applicant will be working.

Address (PosAppToaddr1, 50)

Describes jobs physical location. Represents the street address, address line 1 for specifying a location for a job posting.
Provide the address where the applicant will be working for enhanced search, geocoding, and maps.

Unit, Bldg., Apt, Ste (PosAppToaddr2, 50)

Represents the street address, address line 2 for specifying a location for a job posting.
Provide the Unit, Bldg., Apt, or Ste number.

City (PosAppTocity, 50)

Represents the City/Town for specifying a location for a job posting.
Location is required for enhanced search, geocoding, and maps. Enter the city where your job is located. You may only enter one location per job.

State (PosAppTostate, 50)

Represents the State/Province for specifying a location for a job posting.
Location is required for enhanced search, geocoding, and maps. Enter the state where your job is located. You may only enter one location per job.

Zip (PosAppTozip, 50)

Represents the Postal/ZIP Code for specifying a location for a job posting.
Provide the zip code where the applicant will be working for enhanced search, geocoding, and maps.

Country (PosAppTocountry, 75)

Represents the Country for specifying a location for a job posting.
Location is required for enhanced search, geocoding, and maps. Enter the country where your job is located. You may only enter one location per job.

Full Country name is prefered.

United States

Phone (PosAppTophone, 50)

Telephone number with area code.

Fax (PosAppTofax, 50)

Fax number with area code.

Send Resumes by Email (PosAppToemail, 50)

NOTE: Either Send Resumes by Email - or - Apply at URL/ATS must be provided. If both are provided, Email takes precedence over URL.

Send Resumes by Email
Represents the email address where resumes for a job posting will be sent.
Resumes for this job will be sent to the email address you specify. Use this field to receive resumes by email and do not include email address in the job description. To protect your privacy, the application process is presented as an apply button and the email address is not visible to job seekers.

Website for company information (PosAppToweb, 254)

Company Website
Represents the website address for the company hiring or posting the job.
Provide homepage URL to the hiring company.

Apply at URL/ATS (PosAppTowebApply, 254)

NOTE: Either Send Resumes by Email - or - Apply at URL/ATS must be provided. If both are provided, Email takes precedence over URL.

Apply at URL/ATS
Represents the web address or URL where applicants will go to apply for a job posting.
The apply online URL for this job, always optional. Applicants will go to the URL you specify to apply for this job.

Note: Applicants will apply to your job at this URL. Avjobs will be unable to provide tracking on the number of applications received.

Company Overview (PosAppToCompanyDescr, ~)

Company Description
A description of the scope of the organization's business, in a concise narrative format.
Include a powerful and informative company description to showcase your company culture and attract high quality candidates. Company descriptions have around 2000 characters, or 300 words, or about half a printed page.

Wage Type (PosWagetype, 50)

The pay frequency for the job.

Salary Annual

Starting Wage (PosWagelow, 7)

The minimum pay.


Ending Wage (PosWagehigh, 7)

The maximum pay.


Wage Negotiable (Posnegotiablepay, 1)

Indicate if the pay is negotiable. Defaults to Yes.

0 = No
1 = Yes

Position Description (PosDescr, ~)

Job Description (250 character minimum)
The body of the job.
This field must be at least 250 characters in length. Field supports an unlimited (reasonable) amount of text.
Consider including the following tips to optimize your job description:
Tip Overview of the position
Tip Candidate requirements
Tip Job type (full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, or internship)
Tip Compensation - Include range or structure if possible
Tip Employment restrictions - Indicate restrictions such as special qualifications (e.g. Security Clearance) or visa requirements
Tip Company perks - Include perks like free lunches, awards, or anything else that makes it a special place to work
Tip Company information - Include background information on the company, such as its history or location of corporate headquarters
Tip Do not include Email address in job description (Enter the Email address in the "How to Apply" section to protect your privacy)

Latitude (lat, 17.7)

The latitude of the work location.

Longitude (lon, 17.7)

The longitude of the work location.

Thank you for choosing Avjobs to advertise your job opportunities.

Contact us at 303-683-2322 if you have any questions about Bulk Loading/Auto Import service or creating your job feed. Please note that this process does take time and does not guarantee inclusion on Avjobs.