Aviation Job Search

Personality is everything

The guest lecture given by Avjobs was comprised of many useful tips and was reinforcement for many of the subjects we have previously talked about. One of my favorite quotes of the lecture was “No never means no, it merely means no for now”. Don’t give up. Avjobs discussed many aspects but what rang true and stuck out in my mind was “selling me.” We have talked about this many times, but what I really liked was the point he brought up, we all sell every day. The last time we wanted to go somewhere for lunch, we were trying to sell the idea to our friends. We wanted the end result of eating where we wanted to go. This means that we are all capable of building an amazing resume and tailoring it to the job we are applying for.

We began to talk about how to secure a job and Avjobs brought up the statistic that 80 percent of jobs go unadvertised. His example was Jeppesen and the 150 jobs that they had open that were not yet up on the Avjobs.com. This is a great lead in point for getting your foot in the door. This is a great example of how having your foot in the door, even if it was not your Jeppesen dream job, could lead to another job. Just working in the company shows that you want to be there, and you will have a significant heads up about the 150 jobs that become available almost as soon as it happens. One of the great examples of how you get a job in the company and then move to other jobs within the company is listed above. It is networking that will help you get your foot in the door to start with. After you have made your connection, Avjobs stressed to only apply for jobs that you are qualified for. Then make sure that you are flexible when it comes to location, pay, and other factors if it is your first industry job. I definitely agree with this point. There is no point in wasting anyone’s time, neither mine nor the company’s, with incomplete paperwork or by applying for a job that you are not qualified for in the first place. The company stressed the importance of creating value for you; make yourself someone the company needs. After you get the interview, it is important to follow up. If you are turned down, don’t give up. Always follow up on the chance that they may have an opportunity available. If you are turned down again, a technique they brought up was asking for a chance. Avjobs said “Why not ask for a chance by saying, Give me an opportunity for six months and if you don’t like my work fire me.”. I feel that this could be a great opportunity for you, your career, and also the employer. If they don’t like what you are doing, there are no strings attached. If they do like you, everyone wins by helping the company reach a greater goal.

The final section addressed was what employers find important. I feel that some of the most valuable information presented during the discussion was that an employer wants someone that they can have a good relationship with. They want someone that wants to work for the company and has common ground with the potential employer and that personality is everything!
