Aviation Job Search

Airline Food Service Employee

Position Description

Food Service Employee
Food Service Employees are responsible for the cleaning of flight kitchen utensils, equipment and facilities. They also operate dishwashing equipment and packaging equipment. Duties also include setting up meal trays and the preparation of salads, sandwiches and other cold dishes.

Working Conditions

Food service personnel include cooks, food preparation agents, kitchen helpers, dish room workers, other kitchen staff, and administrative staff. Workers are stationed in a flight kitchen at the airport. These employees prepare and cook food for the flights. They also set up silverware, dishes, and glasses, and arrange the food in containers. Food service work is similar to working in a restaurant kitchen. Food service employees can either be hired directly by an airline or through a catering company that has been hired by the airlines to handle all of their food service needs.

Typical Requirements and/or Experience

Food service can be a good place to start in the air industry since a high school diploma is usually the only requirement. All training is done on the job, and there is a lot of room for advancement. Food service employees can advance to chef, supervisor, or buyer. Many companies provide retirement plans, free meals, comprehensive insurance, and free parking at the airport. To apply, applicants should find out if a particular airline hires the positions directly or contracts out. Then apply with the appropriate office.

Wages and Benefits

Salaries and benefits can vary. For an updated look at salaries in the aviation industry, view the Avjobs.com Salary Report.

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Airline Food Service Employee

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