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Aircraft Mechanic Ii Hot

Coronado, CA

Aircraft Mechanic Ii AP Mechanic CORONAdo CA CALIFORNIA Vectrus United States 30950857059

Specialist Electromagnetic Interference...

Palm Bay, FL

TEST engineer will also support niche fields related to Power Variation (MIL-STD-704) Multipaction CORONA Discharge and TEMPEST on products being developed throughout L3Harris. This position is for an entry level engineer professional with a highly inquisitive desire to develop technical expertise. This position provides an excellent opportunity to develop new solutions help grow as the next generation of EMI/EMC TEST engineers with a career path leading to the submittal of a candidacy for a position in the L3 Harris technical fellowship program. Essential Functions: P

Specialist Electromagnetic Interference...

Palm Bay, FL

gnized around the world. The EMI/EMC engineer will also support niche field related to Multipaction CORONA Discharge and TEMPEST on products being developed throughout L3Harris. This position is for an entry level engineer professional with a highly inquisitive desire to develop technical expertise. This position provides an excellent opportunity to develop new solutions help grow as the next generation of EMI/EMC engineers with a career path leading to the submittal of a candidacy for a position in the L3 Harris technical fellowship program. Essential Functions: Perfor

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