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15b Aircraft Powerplant Repairer... Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15b Aircraft Powerplant Repairer Business Operations WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard United States 30924451910

15d Aircraft Powertrain Repairer... Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15d Aircraft Powertrain Repairer Business Operations WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard United States 30924451679

15b Aircraft Powerplant Repairer... Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15b Aircraft Powerplant Repairer Business Operations WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard Army National Guard United States Americas North America Job Description If youre looking for a career in the aircraft repair and maintenance field then join the Army National Guard and watch your future take flight Your work will keep Army airplanes and helicopters in top shape to support training rescue humanitarian security or combat missions As an Aircraft Powerplant Repairer you will inspect service and repair turbine engines parts and electrical components on Army aircraft to en

15f Aircraft Electrician Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15f Aircraft Electrician Maintenance WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard United States 30924451822

15g Aircraft Structural Repairer... Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15g Aircraft Structural Repairer Business Operations WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard United States 30951586890

15g Aircraft Structural Repairer... Hot

Wahiawa, HI

15g Aircraft Structural Repairer Business Operations WAHIAWa HI HAWAII Army National Guard United States 30939206243

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