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Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

Trenton, NJ

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Trenton NJ NEW JERSEY US Navy United States 30949459168

Aviation Officer Careers Va Dc... Hot

Bristol, VA

Aviation Officer CAREERS Va Dc Md Business Operations Bristol VA VIRGINIA US Navy United States 30951503339

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

West Chester, PA

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations West Chester PA PENNSYLVANIA US Navy United States 30949632987

Aviation Officer Careers Va Dc... Hot

Spotsylvania, VA

Aviation Officer CAREERS Va Dc Md Business Operations Spotsylvania VA VIRGINIA US Navy United States 30951509277

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

Lakewood, NJ

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Lakewood NJ NEW JERSEY US Navy United States 30949534880

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

Shepherdstown, WV

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Shepherdstown WV WEST VIRGINIA US Navy United States 30949561197

Aviation Officer Careers Va Dc... Hot

Manassas, VA

Aviation Officer CAREERS Va Dc Md Business Operations Manassas VA VIRGINIA US Navy United States 30951527781

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

Baltimore, MD

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Baltimore MD MARYLAND US Navy United States 30949402075

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Featured

Newark, DE

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Newark DE DELAWARE US Navy US Navy United States Americas North America The US Navy operates more than 3700 aircraft making it the second largest air force in the world second only to the US Air Force Below are the CAREERS in aviation that work together to get our birds in the sky AVIATION JOBS IN THE NAVY FIGHTER PILOT Complete complex air maneuvers while flying at Mach speeds Catapult off carriers at 170 mph and land on moving runways only 300 feet long Gather intel drop ordnance and conduct defensi

Aviation Officer Careers Nj Pa... Hot

Newark, DE

Aviation Officer CAREERS Nj Pa De Md Business Operations Newark DE DELAWARE US Navy United States 30949582836

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