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General Manager United Airlines... Hot

California, MO

er United Airlines Polaris Lounges San Francisco Ca Management California MO MISSOURI Compass Group POLAND Sp z oo United States 30950625616

American Airlines Center General... Hot

Dallas, TX

can Airlines Center General Manager Of Concessions 1329157 Management Dallas TX TEXAS Compass Group POLAND Sp z oo United States 30904501144

Category Sourcing Specialist Indirect... Featured

North Yarmouth, ME

iers from any of our locations which may include Australia Brazil Canada Ireland Netherlands Norway POLAND Scotland and the US The successful candidate will be able to transform their skills to deliver cost savings and process improvements through outstanding negotiation skills strong financial and analytical skills and your ability to forge strong relationships across the organization and with suppliers Key Responsibilities Build and execute annual procurement strategy in partnership with key stakeholders Accountable to drive cost savings and process other improvements Lead t

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