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Flight Attendant Job Interviews

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Flight Attendant Job Interviews

In addition to performing flight duties, flight attendants sometimes attend or even conduct open house and interview sessions. You just might be interviewed by a flight attendant you will be working with in the future.


Excellent language and communication skills are essential. Applicants must use good grammar and speak clearly with a pleasant voice. Often during the interview process, applicants are asked to demonstrate basic abilities. Languages spoken will vary depending on the company. US airlines require that you speak English fluently. Languages include but are not limited to: English, French, German, Spanish, Cantonese, Hindi, Chinese, and Japanese. Applicants who desire to fly internationally generally must be fluent in a foreign language such as French, Spanish, German or Japanese. Bilingual applicants are desired and, may help increase chances of initial employment with domestic carriers, and may be required by some airlines.

Possible Interview Questions

Some of the questions you may be asked in a flight interview include but are not limited to:

  • When were you last through emergency and first aid/defibrillator training? (bring copies of all training certificates.)
  • Are you experienced on our type aircraft?
  • Do you have culinary skills and are you good with food presentation?
  • Do you know how much this job pays? What are your salary requirements?
  • How do you feel about being away from home for extended periods of time?
  • How do you feel about moving to a new city?
  • Do you have a current passport?
  • Are your immunizations current for specific travel?
  • Do you have a current aviation ID card, such as Universal, Air Routing, or IBAC?
  • Do you have reliable transportation to and from the airport or our facility?
  • Have you ever worked as a Flight Attendant before?
  • Do you speak a foreign language (if applicable to the company's operation)?
  • Do you have a credit card for travel expenses until reimbursement?

Other requests or discussion topics during an interview include:

  • What do you think the flight attendants primary responsibility is as a crewmember?
  • You may be asked to perform a mock emergency briefing, pointing out the operation and usage of all emergency equipment, doors, window exits, etc. (this is normally to gauge the quality of your voice and self confidence)
  • Do you have three to four references from past employers.
  • How do you feel about a dress code and professional standards?

Online Interavtive Practice Interview

The Avjobs Applicant System has an Online Interavtive Practice Interview to help polish your interviewing skills. Spending 30 minutes a week practicing your interview skills is critical. The staff at Avjobs along with other industry wide personnel offices agree, the interview can make or break an applicant regardless of experience or training. It has been the experience of Avjobs and its employees that there is a "best" preparatory procedure for interviews.

The Avjobs Online Interavtive Practice Interview section describes this preparatory process and provides tools and tips for you to be at your best. The Online Interavtive Practice Interview includes audio and hundreds of sample questions. So turn up your sound and practice those interview skills.