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Online Interavtive Practice Interview

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Online Interavtive Practice Interview

Our Interactive Practice Interview contains hundreds of questions that you could be asked during your next interview. Get a jump start on the competition by having your answers ready. You will knock your interviewer's socks off by being confident and ready to answer anything they have to throw at you!

The Online Interavtive Practice Interview includes audio and hundreds of sample questions. So turn up your sound and practice those interview skills.

The purpose of the job interview is to persuade the employer that you have the skills, background, and ability to do the job and that you can comfortably fit into their organization. Everyone must understand that you are not just being evaluated on your experience and education alone, but also by your looks, personality, confidence, enthusiasm, and any other attribute that can help them decide whether or not you are right for the job. You may find out that some people get hired just because the interviewer "liked" them. Of course this is not always the case, but developing effective interviewing skills can help!


  • The Online Interavtive Practice Interview is intended to re-create the actual interview experience.
  • This Online Interavtive Practice Interview will be fast paced and to the point.
  • You will be presented with a series of interview questions in random order. This interview will continue until you stop the process. This way you may continue to practice your answers for as long as you want. To stop the interview, simply close the interview window in your browser.
  • Be sure to answer the questions completely and correctly. Keep your answers to the point and remember not to get too wordy or lengthy in your response. Remember, the more you say, the more you increase your odds of saying something the interviewer doesn't want to hear.
  • Each question has a specified time limit for answering. There is a countdown timer located at the bottom of each question that displays the time remaining to answer the question. If you find that the interviewer is interrupting you with the next question before you have finished your answer, YOUR ANSWERS ARE TOO LONG. Practice short concise and complete answers to each question.
  • The next question will automatically be asked when the time expires. If you have finished answering the question and you have time remaining, you can sit back and wait for the next question, or, click the "Next Question" link at the bottom of the page.
  • It is important that you talk back directly to your computer monitor OUT LOUD as if you were actually sitting across from the interviewers desk. The time it takes to say the words out loud is actually much longer than the time it takes to think them in your head.
  • This "Practice Interviews" is a great tool for building your self confidence and interview skills.
  • Interviewers often change direction with their questioning to see how you think on your feet and how you handle the situation. Likewise, this Online Interavtive Practice Interview will use the same format. All of the questions will be asked in random order.
  • Don't try to anticipate the next question. Rather, you should concentrate on giving the best answer to the question you have been asked.
  • It's OK if you are asked the same question twice. The interviewer may be trying to gather additional information that you may not have provided the first time you answered the question. Go ahead and answer the question again. This time you may want to provide additional information, but be sure not to give a different answer.

Online Interavtive Practice Interview

The staff at Avjobs along with other industry wide personnel offices agree, the interview can make or break an applicant regardless of experience or training. It has been the experience of Avjobs and its employees that there is a "best" preparatory procedure for interviews.

The Avjobs Online Interavtive Practice Interview section describes this preparatory process and provides tools and tips for you to be at your best. The Online Interavtive Practice Interview includes audio and hundreds of sample questions. So turn up your sound and practice those interview skills.