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Always follow up all interviews with thank-you letters, phone calls, and, when appropriate, resumes that have been revised based on information and suggestions provided by managers. Even if managers have no positions available, once they have had a personal interaction with you, they may think of you the next time they have, or hear of, an appropriate opening. It is critical to stay in touch with these managers, at least on a bi-monthly basis.
No matter what job search strategies you choose, follow-up and record keeping are important for success. Maintain a careful record of all interviews, thank-you notes sent, referrals made and follow-up actions. Applicants who fail to maintain this information often lose valuable contacts as well as credibility with prospective employers. The Avjobs Applicant System provides automated record keeping, calendar integration and status tracking with the "Job Search Assistant".
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King Air 200 &300 Captains
Growing Part 135 Seeking Pilots to Grow With Us! 3000 TT 1500 PIC 500 Multi
Cargo Carrier Now Hiring A&P Mechanics!
3+ Years Experience But Will Train Qualified Individuals!
National Director of Flight Services
135 Charter Leader Seeking Applicants w/ 10yrs Aviation Ops, 5yrs Flight Services
Maintenance Controller, Englewood CO
3-5yrs Part 135/121 Aviation Maintenance Control Focus, AP License, IA Pref
George J Priester Aviation Now Hiring
CJ3 PIC, HPN Airport, Manage Flight Prep Execution, Crew, Risk Mgmt, Passengers
Charter Sales Executive
Bachelor's in Sales, Marketing, Business Mgmt, 3-5yrs sales or client svc exp
Maintenance Controller, Englewood CO
3-5yrs Part 135/121 Aviation Maintenance Control Focus, AP License, IA Pref
King Air 200 &300 Captains
Growing Part 135 Seeking Pilots to Grow With Us! 3000 TT 1500 PIC 500 Multi
Fly our King Air 350. Danbury CT
3000 hrs TT, PIC 1500, Multi 500 Excellent Pay and Benefits.Apply Now!
Challenger 604 Captain - PTK
5000 TT, ATP Cert w/ Multi-Engine Land Rating, Excellent Communication Skills
Avjobs has over 44,448 jobs available. 44,444 new jobs have been posted in the last 30 days. Job availability and career advancement tools are available to all registered applicants in the Avjobs Applicant System.