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The job search process begins with an identification of your values, interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, and goals.
How can you seek a position if you don't know what you want from a job and what you have to offer prospective employers? Self-assessment, can be a tough and time-consuming process without the proper tools.
The Avjobs Applicant System provides invaluable information to facilitate career decisions and to prepare you to market your background effectively.
Employers want to know what you do well, what you enjoy doing and what you want to do in the future. They need to know why they should hire you. In order for you to be able to answer these questions for an employer, it is necessary for you to identify and talk about your values, interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, and goals.
It is difficult for most people to talk about their skills. In fact, almost 90% of people who are interviewed for jobs are unable to clearly state what their skills are. It is essential to your job search to know specifically what you can offer to an employer. Even though you have the necessary skill for a job, you may not get hired if you can't communicate to an employer that you have those skills and that you are able to do them well. The Avjobs "Practice Interview" describes this preparatory process and provides tools and tips and a worksheet for you to be at your best.
The Avjobs Applicant System provides an ideal job worksheet and values, interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, and goals worksheet to get you started on right foot.
Knowledge is something you have learned from education, training or experience. A skill is something you can do. An ability is a special talent or even a personality quality that you have. Knowing what your knowledge, skills and abilities are will help you:
Find jobs that match you
Fill out the application properly
Make satisfying career choices
Your skills are the foundation on which you build your career. All of us have hundreds of skills. We are average in some of these, whereas at others we excel. It will be easier to find jobs that you enjoy, that suit you and that you are successful at, if you know your unique combination of skills.
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National Director of Flight Services
135 Charter Leader Seeking Applicants w/ 10yrs Aviation Ops, 5yrs Flight Services
George J Priester Aviation Now Hiring
CJ3 PIC, HPN Airport, Manage Flight Prep Execution, Crew, Risk Mgmt, Passengers
King Air 200 &300 Captains
Growing Part 135 Seeking Pilots to Grow With Us! 3000 TT 1500 PIC 500 Multi
Nextant 400XT Captain - Richmond Heights
BE40 Type Rating Req, ATP License, 3500 TT, 1500 PIC Business Jet, 1st Class Med
Lead Pilot Falcon 2000 LX, Englewood CO
5000 TT, 2500 PIC, 2500 Multi-Land, 1500 Multi PIC, 2000 Turbine, 500 Instrument
Charter Sales Executive
Bachelor's in Sales, Marketing, Business Mgmt, 3-5yrs sales or client svc exp
Gulfstream G150 PIC, Wheeling IL
5000 TT, 2500 PIC, 2500 Multi-Land, 1500 Multi PIC, 2000 Turbine, 500 Instrument
Maintenance Controller, Englewood CO
3-5yrs Part 135/121 Aviation Maintenance Control Focus, AP License, IA Pref
Challenger 604 Captain - PTK
5000 TT, ATP Cert w/ Multi-Engine Land Rating, Excellent Communication Skills
Charter Sales Executive
Bachelor's in Sales, Marketing, Business Mgmt, 3-5yrs sales or client svc exp
Avjobs has over 37,536 jobs available. 37,532 new jobs have been posted in the last 30 days. Job availability and career advancement tools are available to all registered applicants in the Avjobs Applicant System.